Thursday, January 22, 2009


Personality Tests:
A selection procedure measures the personality characteristics of applicants that are related to future job performance. Personality tests typically measure one or more of five personality dimensions: extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience.

- can identify interpersonal traits that may be needed for certain jobs
- can result in lower turnover due if applicants are selected for traits that are highly correlated with employees who have high longevity within the organization
- can reveal more information about applicant's abilities and interests

- difficult to measure personality traits that may not be well defined
- applicant's training and experience may have greater impact on job performance than applicant's personality
- responses by applicant may be altered by applicant's desire to respond in a way they feel would result in their selection
- lack of diversity if all selected applicants have same personality traits
- cost may be prohibitive for both the test and interpretation of results
- lack of evidence to support validity of use of personality tests


The companies that produce personality tests and the human resources staff who use them invariably refer to these tests as personality ‘questionnaires’ rather than ‘tests’. This is done to avoid giving the impression that there are right and wrong answers and that the test can be either passed or failed. Obviously, no one type of personality is necessarily better or worse than any other. However, remember that you are being given this test for a reason, the employer is plainly looking for something otherwise they would not be wasting time and money on the testing process.

- There is no need to print and distribute printed material. This has dramatically lowered the cost of test administration.
- Results can be processed immediately with no human input. The test administration software can produce very detailed and impressive looking reports.
- There has been a growing acceptance of personality testing among the general public. Many people quite happily complete online personality profiles in their own time outside of the recruitment process.
- There are now more suppliers producing a greater variety of tests. This has driven costs down even further and increased the choice of tests available to recruiting organizations.

All employers can see some personal qualities as desirable through the personality test. For example:
- Honesty
- Motivation
- Conscientiousness
- Self-Discipline
- Persistence
- Team Working Ability

Conversely, all employers also can see some personal qualities as undesirable through this test. For example:
- Dishonesty
- Lack of Integrity
- Inability to Control Anger
- Inability to Cope with Stress

As a conclusion, we think it depends to the manager either they should consider the personality test score before hiring new workers or not because through this test manager can identify the qualified and disqualified applicant to fill the vacant post in their company. In contrast, this technique lack faces validity. In other word, it would be difficult how individual questioned on certain personality measure are job related even if the overall personality scale is a valid predictor of job performance.


FULLSTOP!! said...

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Fallin' love with OB said... wahhh colourful! your blog is understandable and it's looks like both of us share the same 'opinions'.huhuhu whereeeee?B.I.N.G.O ;-P