Monday, January 19, 2009

group 6

overcome bias in perception?? how???

everybody have their own perceptions obout someone or something. But sometime our perception might be bias becouse of the certain circumstances or it relate with our mind itself. The term biased is used to describe an action, judgement, or other outcome influenced by a prejudged perspective.

Here we give two types of bias in perception..

halo effect, halo effect occur when our overall impression of another person affect perception of his or her individual traits or behavior. For example if the man is smart and handsome, we might be evaluate him as a kind person or loyal person.. Oh my God, who get him will be a lucky girl.. oh please..huhuhu..

so how we can avoid this thing become happen.

We believe that smart and handsome guy is not kind at all..Ops!!! sorry guys hehehehe
In this situation we have to be intelligent,honesty or kindness in order to evaluate person.Be yourself guys!! Dont close your eyes!! believe that your eyes is lying when you evaluate handsome boy ( i"m so lucky if i get it.. oh!! please!!!) hahaha
so my advice is..evaluate people with your mind. find the truth and saying the truth.

second is stereotypes, it is perceiving other is one we already describe, mean judge someone or something according previous comment or judgment. For example before entered in the organization we have a certain perception about a particular race or religion. So when we meet this particular person we might judge this person according to the our last knowledge and perception. It because it already set in our mind. how to avoid this from happen??

we supposed look person according their attitude, not their types of religion, race, etc. we have to open our eye in order to evaluate someone, use our mind, heart and do not interfere with another bad rumors. Come on guy!! this is 21th century. Dont close your mind!!!

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