Do you consider lesbians and gay person as a workforce diversity? YES !
Enjoy this story 1st, and then ‘ gay ‘ will be yours !!!
Part 1 : 7.30 am, while waiting bus.
Qama : why are u late Ain? ( with a grumble face)
Ain : Sorry my lovely ‘pet’, I am woke up late because of the wonderful ‘lust’ night with you. Never mind my dear, like always, I will spend you a lunch. ( Ain rub gently Qama’s hair)
Part 2: 9.30 am, because of the dramatic story, both of them were came late to office.
With the innocent face, both of them sit and began their work.
Kring Kring Krong…Kring Kring Krong.. Kering Kering Kerongkong !!! ( Boss is calling them)
Boss : Qama and Ain, “feel free” to come to my room now! Please inform Anis and Fizah too“
Tukkk..Tukkk.. ( Qama and Ain knocked the door )
Boss : Yeah come in, shoe off please! Mak Cik Kiah just mop my carpet ( with a squinting eyes ).
Suddenly, both of them were shocked because there was a handsome guy who are just wearing an attractive boxer ( Spongebob ) Gheeezz!!
Part 3: 10 am, all of them in Boss’ room.
Boss : what are you looking for? Owh, forget to introduce my boy….. errkk my bestfriend, Mr Ghairah.
Qama and Ain shake hands with Mr. Ghairah while Anis and Fizah speechless and look at each other and shrink their forehead.
Boss : the purpose I call all of you is to divide the Cleaner department into two groups. This is because Mak Cik kiah will take maternity leave. She will give birth for her 13th children! How strength is she.. kahkahkahkah bulllgrrpp !!! ( gives a big laugh until his denture came out !! )
Boss added : Ain and Qama will clean our office on Sunday and Monday, the rest days will be Anis and Fizah.
Anis : erkkk.. but boss? Erkk.. both of them cant supposedly in one group. They won’t clean the office, but they will busy “ clean “ each other ! ( with a sarcasm sounds )
Fizah : I agreed boss! I saw Qama and Ain took their pictures in devalues condition. Sooo Lesbian! Yuckek Man ! what a firaun attitudes!
Ain : Jealous!! But boss, we didn’t do that in the office? Normally we did it after office hours, 6 pm at Taman Asmaradana Kemuncak Cinta ! ..oppsss, sorry Qama, I’d opened our secret already!
Boss (talk in his heart) : I also did the same thing with Ghairah, who cares !!! but at different place which is Taman Lobak Buasir. (besides the Taman Asmaradana Kemuncak Cinta) Hehehehe.
Part 4 : 10.15, the boss begins his explanation ~
Boss : It is ok Fizah, I’m also gay ( while wink his eyes towards Mr Ghairah ). But I still can complete my task and being a good boss for you all. Gay and Lesbian are also human being. It is doesn't mean that if they are gay and lesbians, they cannot be employed to work. They need wages in order to fulfil their necessity and needs.
Ain : that’s perfectly right boss ! In term of work, we are professional. We can divide between our work and our personal matters. Both of you, please understand us. ( with a pity face )
Qama : Listen here! even we are lesbians, we are not really express our sexual orientation in the office. We try to hide it when we are in office. Both of you, don’t worry ok. We will make sure that we finish our work on time."
Anis : Alright friends. Accept it. Maybe both of you can cooperate each other to do the works since both of you are cohesive.
Fizah : Sorry guys because misunderstood with you all just now. But the question is, why Mr Ghairah is here and just wearing his boxer????
Ain, Qama, Anis and Fizah : WallaaaaaWeehhh !!! Tetttttt !!!
-The End-
Actor – [ Jemy aka Boss ]
Actress – [ Qama and Ain as a Lesbian workers ]
The invitation actors : [ Mak Cik Kiah and Mr. Ghairah ]
Waa... A very good one. May explain the reality to people. hahahaha...
but who are you?
pls state your name..
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