Monday, February 23, 2009



Today, we want to share with you about the differences between group and team.

Firstly, let we look about the team..

A team is a small group of people with complementary skills and abilities who are committed to a common goal and approach for which they hold each other accountable.The best size for teams is 7-12 individuals. Larger teams require more structure and support; smaller teams often have difficulty meeting when members are absent. Members have skills and abilities that complement the team's purpose. Not all members have the same skills, but together they are greater than the sum of their parts. On teams, members share roles and responsibilities and are constantly developing new skills to improve the team's performance. Teams identify and reach consensus on their common goal and approach, rather than looking to a leader to define the goal and approach. Most importantly, teams hold their members accountable.When they experience conflict with a member, they speak to that member directly rather than to a supervisor. When a member isn't performing to the level required, the team addresses the performance problem.

Now, let's move to group...

A group can be defined as a small group of people with complementary skills and abilities who are committed to a leader's goal and approach and are willing to be held accountable by the leader. A group supports the leader's goals and the leader-dominated approach to goal attainment. A group drives individual accountability rather than shared accountability.Leadership is predominantly held by one person rather than the shared, fluid leadership on a team. In a group, the dominant viewpoint is represented; in a team, multiple, diverse viewpoints are represented. Decisions in a group are made by voting or implied agreement; decisions on a team are typically made by consensus.

Between team and group, which is better?

In our opinion, team is better rather than group. It is because in team, the members are fully committed to a common goal and mission that they have developed. Members must agree that the team goal is worthwhile and agree on a general approach to that goal. Such agreement provides the vision and motivation for team members to that goal. The members are mutually accountable to one another. To succeed as a team, members must feel and the outcome of their work. Moreover, members of team trust one another and the team has a collaborative culture. They also share in leadership. team achieves synergy. synergy means the process of combining two or more actions that result in an effect that differs from the total of individual action.

Compare with group, members of group are only work on a common goal. They also only accountable to manager. Beside, they do not have clear, stable culture and conflict is frequent. In group, leadership is assigned to a single person and members may accomplish their goals.


Let's face it, in reality, groups are far easier to create than teams, so it makes sense to be a group when the following exist: the decisions and process are already determined, buy-in is not necessary, time is a critical factor and there is split or minimal management support for teaming.

To form the group, identify a strong, effective leader and empower the person to recruit group members, formulate the goal and approach and drive decision making. This approach would be practical for short-term projects with outcomes already defined.

So, would it be right to say that teams are good and groups are bad OR teams are bad and groups are good? or maybe you want third choice?? if so, it is depend to you what is the third choice is...

(hmmm)...what do you think about it???

Good luck to think....


Fallin' love with OB said...


hye everyone...
we understand your explanation and we hOpe your group can add more clear example to make us more clear :)

FULLSTOP!! said...


yeah we aggreed with falli' love with OB.

with the full of examples will make ppl more understand.

btw,thanks for the information.
appreciate it :-)