Assalamualaikum to all blogger
"Love is only a feeling" - by the Darkness, by the way, it is a song title actually.
Or imagine that you have save your own money to buy a car, but someone had stolen your money, a day before you going to buy a car. How gonna you react??
Fuh, It's a quite interesting topic here and it is a little bit confusing. At first we can't differentiate both of them, and we don't even know any philosopher that can differentiate these two. Oh my my, even it is simple task for us, but it makes us to use our brain to think, and we're not copy and paste. huh, at least~. We think and think and think until we dream of it, you know when people think too much and no answer for it, you keep on thinking about it when you fall asleep too... Did it happen to you?
So after we discussed and played around with the words, we think we have found a simple solution for the question.. Hmm..
Feeling is a part of emotion," feels your emotion". Have you heard any word like this? Yes, we did! It's a common word especially to those who are "truly deeply madly" – (savage garden) in love with someone. Ha-ha. Feeling is something that you can't express. For example, you feel comfortable, and how you will express it? People also ask you "What do you feel today?", and ever you heard of "How do you emotion today?" Emotions originate from exposure to specific situations. For example, when a friend pinches you, what do you feel? Absolutely you will feel pain, and then the anger will come up. Means that feels come first, then from the feeling, emotion created (Reen and Mira experiment it to Sofia)...Here, the few number of researchers such as Ekman & Friesen have identified six basic emotions: happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, anger and fear.
What is the difference between feelings and emotions? E-Motion is preparing and anticipating action. Feelings are the internal expression of the emotion and can be differentiated from body sensations and states: "feeling cold" or "feeling depressed." The emotion "behind" the feeling of depression: sadness or anger.
So first we think, then we feel, and then we act.
Quotable Quotes #1: Do you ever fall in love?
~daus and the gang~
someone whisper your name? What do you feel?”
Fullstop replied : i will whisper “his” name back..!! i will ask whether “she” has blanket or not..its cold! Haha
by the way,too simple explanation and example..it is better if u give extra explanation..
can make readers more understand.
btw,good job!
fullstop may i know who are you?, it's better put ur name here, rather than u put err fullstop.
salam...your blog are interesting..
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